Domestic Violence Charges Might Impact Professional Licenses

Davis-Jones Law Nov. 27, 2018

Facing criminal charges is difficult even in the best of circumstances. Some people can face these charges without having to worry about what is going to happen with their professional life. For others, the mere whisper of a criminal charge is enough to instill fear because they know that they might face some professional consequences due to the charge or a conviction.

Professionals who are being investigated for criminal charges and those who are already facing charges should find out what implications they could face with respect to their career. Sadly, this is sometimes a significant, especially for crimes like domestic violence.

Governing Agency

In Texas, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation determines when a criminal conviction is going to impact a professional license. The agency does this based on specific state laws. If there is a criminal conviction in the picture, the case is sent to an attorney to review if the conviction should have an impact on the issuance of a new license or the status of an existing license.

Factors that Impact the Decision

There are several factors that are considered when the agency is trying to determine if a license is appropriate. The severity and type of crime in question, whether the criminal conviction will impact the person’s ability to do one’s job, the likelihood that the person will commit the same crime while working, and other factors are all considered in these cases.

Decision Determines What Actions Are Taken

If the attorney who reviews that matter determines that the license isn’t impacted by the conviction, the information is sent back to the governing board for a final determination based on the information in the application.

If it is found that the conviction shouldn’t allow the person to hold the license, the person is sent a packet of information outlining the decision. In this packet, there is information about how the person can challenge the decision.

Upon receipt of a request for a hearing, a hearing date is set. The applicant can make his or her case before the board. The board will then make a decision about the status of the applicant’s license.

No matter what type of criminal charge you face, your defense strategy is one of the best things you can do to help you protect your professional license. This is especially true in situations that involve violence, such as domestic abuse cases.